I sent a letter to the Roane County News a week or so ago and it got published here on Roane Views.

In that letter I wanted to vent my anger that none of the $43 million or so of the TVA payment to the county was applied to anything actually hurt by the ash spill. I was right to do that but my letter seemed to bash Ron Woody for this. I know better than this and knew better than this when I wrote the letter. Sometimes when you are angry you'll shoot from the hip...and when you do that you often hit a totally innocent person. Ron Woody was not on the committee that made the spending choices, I knew that too. Ron is just the guy we elected who is charged with administrating those decisions and I know Ron will responsibly do that...we will know where every single cent goes...that is great.

Under Ron's leadership our county is progressing, developing and has a much, much brighter future. Among other accomplishments, thanks to Ron, Tony Brown, and other hard working county employees, Roane County Park is now award winning, clean and a county asset we can all enjoy with pride...I enjoy it often and point to it in pride to my friends and customers.

What a stupid, stupid thing I did...I've apologized to Ron already. I'm still upset...angry...amazed at the committee's decisions on the application of these funds, but I'm a little angrier at myself for not choosing my words better and making Ron look bad. I voted for Ron and will do so again.

I'm sentencing myself to several hours of community service...watch for me on River Road picking up litter.

Eco warriors and politics

Science and stuff

Lost Medicaid Funding

To date, the failure to expand Medicaid / TennCare has cost the State of Tennessee ? in lost federal funding.