Jul 3 2009
11:40 pm

The Knoxville News Sentinel has the story: (link...)

-- OneTahiti


There has not

There has not been a trucking plan submitted from TVA or TDEC to the EPA for any ash to be removed to surrounding counties. No plan has been submitted, even for any trial runs.
EPA has to approve the site and means of transportation, just as they did in Alabama.
TVA and TDEC can say these places are going to be where it will be trucked, but they cannot make those decisions.

Would that be different from "Offsite Ash Disposal Options Plan"

I don't understand how that would be different from:
Offsite Ash Disposal Options Plan (link...)
RE: Disposal of Coal Ash Generated during the TVA Kingston Coal Ash Response (link...)
These were not on the respective sites at the time of the press release, but magicly appeared soon after...

Why not look at other

Why not look at other options in Roane County? How about the rock query behind the old K-Mart? Pump it out, put a liner in it, and then pile it full. The drive would be short. It's not on the top of a mountain that will blow off or run down. I do wonder about the fault line we often hear about around these parts, but if we put our head to it then maybe we can find other alternatives instead of the current option on top of the hill by the river by the old land fill.

Are there any exhausted rock

Are there any exhausted rock queries on Swan Pond? I know the one on circle road is still in use, but maybe there is something that they have mined out that could be used? This would keep everything over in Swan Pond. However, it's that one also close to the river?

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