Ok.... It's too dangerous? and we are living in it.



Wow........my jaw is hanging on the floor. Our cove is polluted with this stuff. How am I supposed to disclose this if, by some miracle, we got a buyer? What buyer will purchase our home once we disclose this?

Picture Perfect, then and now

National media's power vs. power utilities?
The winner is?
Were are we in this?
Just left with the mess.
Back then, we had an virtually unknown picture perfect home.
Now, we are the famous picture for greed, power, and the unknown.

DPA, you miss the point in going after Boxer

Homeland security has been given the power to silence our elected officials. Boxer could be jailed if she were to divulge the information. her press conference was nothing short of a courageous act in the face of an out of control federal department.

First, I'm glad my Senator is doing something…

I hope you and she recognize that suspicion is a very powerful motivator and that this will fire up the press to see if the site near them is dangerous. … seems to be working that way … lots of response showing up in the Yahoo news search …

I can see Homeland Security

I can see Homeland Security hiding the dangers of the Coal Ash Ponds. If it were exposed to the public that there are people in Harriman, TN, on Emory River Rd. who can't even go into their own homes now after the disaster last December, there would be a panic near all coal fire plants.

We had been getting doses of breathing in the ash off the ponds over the past years and our bodies are so burdened with the toxins that the disaster was like an over-dose. I thought over the 32 years I lived in my lake front home, that it was allergies. Was I in for a surprise after the disaster last December.

I become completely fatigued, can hardly walk, my head heards, breathing is hard, and I break out in horrid blisters on my arms and tops of my feet and ankles if I dare go in my house.

Some of us have reached our limit body burden of heavy metals and chemical toxins. The only thing that we could look forward to is death in the near future or leave the area. We chose to leave the area. We are now trying to detox the heavy metals and chemical toxins out of our bodies. It is a nightmare, but it will be worth it in the future. I already feel better as long as I do not go near my house.

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Eco warriors and politics

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Lost Medicaid Funding

To date, the failure to expand Medicaid / TennCare has cost the State of Tennessee ? in lost federal funding.