Apr 25 2009
12:45 pm

TWRA, at the request of TVA, has established

"a temporary “no wake zone” on the Emory River in Roane County. The zone will include the area where dredging has begun for the Kingston ash spill operations."

"The zone will protect recreational boaters from submerged hazards, staged TVA equipment and will minimize the impact to water turbidity from disturbed ash during the dredging operations." Source: (link...), (link...), (link...)

Does anyone know what this might mean for independent testing or other spill-related efforts?

-- OneTahiti

I understand about the

I understand about the debris hazards...

but water turbitity? the dredging is already doing that... right?

so is there ash beyond the weirs and dams? (i think i know the answer to that)

and TVA said... No parallel water samples or "no one else in the boat" at the LTRM on Wed.

Good methodology on water testing

TVA does an amazingly bad job of communicating information. I wanted to take Anda Ray aside and suggest some things but the TVA folks were huddled in a protective mass so I let it be.

I talked with TDEC about their water sampling and came away feeling pretty good about what they are doing. Metal ions in water increase the conductivity so by running a conductivity test on the water column. That lets them find what level the turbidity flows best at. 3 feet off the bottom was one location but it was closer to the surface at some places. The good news is that they are working to get this right and TVA is NOT the entity doing the testing.

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