Famed reporter, Arian Campo-Flores has been in Harriman/Kingston conducting interviews, touring, and investigation for a Newsweek story. Mr. Campo-Flores has provided very interesting stories for Newsweek including an extensive investigational story on US Troops in Iraq. He is an incredibly professional reporter and we welcome him to our devasted area.

Thanks for sending him my way

I'll be talking to him this afternoon. I think it will be interesting. And it will be a priviledge to speak to a journalist such as Mr. Campo Flores.

Leslie Hunt and I met with

Leslie Hunt and I met with Mr. Campo Flores for a couple of hours today, and found him to be very receptive and eager to hear about our community's experience with the coal ash spill. I agree that he's a very professional journalist, and would say in addition that he's a delightful person. Welcome to Roane County, Arian!

Peggy Blanchard
Swan Pond resident

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Eco warriors and politics

Science and stuff

Lost Medicaid Funding

To date, the failure to expand Medicaid / TennCare has cost the State of Tennessee ? in lost federal funding.