Sep 28 2007
07:56 am

Actually, it didn't say where exactly he caught them, but he killed one of them with a pair of scissors and tried to kill the other one...His girlfriend and mother of his child. So he got mad...and that made it manslaughter and not murder?

And then I read this:

If he follows the stipulations and stays out of trouble, the charges could be expunged — cleared from his record.

He caught them in bed !!

That's what I like about Roane County. When they need killin, it gets dun, and the law understands. Kinda like Northern Minnesota, whre I come from. When I first arrived in Tennessee (47 years ago)- my motorcycle broke down in Roane County - I read about the Doo-Drop-Inn incident in Meigs County and decided - these are my kind of people - and stayed.

As the DAG said in the RCN report...

it's a textbook case. That's the way the law is written. It's not at all unusual on a state by state basis. Most criminal homicide laws go very similarly to that.


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