Sep 26 2007
08:38 am

Are we going to get an equal share of the tax revenue for this new Industrial park that doesn't have a single acre in Roane County?

We'll commit to spend millions supporting the bonds in a year when the County can't even provide stop gap spending for schools.

How many jobs for Roane County has the last new industrial park generated and what are the projections for this one?

Have we got a cost to job ratio projected? I'm not saying this is a bad deal, but we should have ready answers to these and other questions about how this deal benefits Roane County tax payers.

Surely there's a word

Surely there's a word processor document we can post that covers the agreement between Counties...or did we get snookered by Brock Hill again?

New Road From Rockwood Airport to Rockwood

I have heard that this project may involve a new road from the Rockwood airport to Rockwood, although the road project may be a separate deal altogether. I am not sure whether the proposed road project is an improvement (or alternative to) the now-narrow-and-windy section of Airport Road coming down the escarpment or an improvement of the Interstate from Airport Road to the Harriman exit.

If a new road that provides better access to Rockwood from the Interstate is part of the package (and I haven't seen the package, so I don't know), then that would be a benefit for Roane County.

Like you, I would be interested to see the details of this.

The Rockwood Exit

The Rockwood exit goes one way...Away from Rockwood.

If there's state money or something, this could work, but I hear rumblings of something more. Do we really think Roane County workers will drive up the mountain?

"Rockwood Exit" Towards Rockwood

You are correct that currently, the main, improved part of Airport Road goes North from the Interstate. But there is a turn off of that road that winds down the mountain to Rockwood (see link in my last post). That could be improved, or replaced with a better road between the same points. That, combined with an industrial park at the airport, could be a real benefit to Rockwood, and, therefore, to Roane County. I just don't know whether it is part of the industrial park deal or not.

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