Sep 11 2007
07:36 am
By: WhitesCreek

If you haven't been to the Tamke Allen Observatory you have an empty spot in your life that you don't even know about. This Saturday evening is a chance for you to fix that.

Just to get your interest peaked, check out the website.

And yes, the planet Saturn really does look like that! And yes, once you know where it is, you can walk outside and just look up and see the Andromeda Galaxy (I saw it Sunday evening), except for our lack of dark skies.

And then call a County Commissioner and ask him to do something about light pollution. That is an easy thing to fix and we owe it to our neighbors and their children...

No one should be allowed to steal the stars from a child!

Eco warriors and politics

Science and stuff

Lost Medicaid Funding

To date, the failure to expand Medicaid / TennCare has cost the State of Tennessee ? in lost federal funding.