Sep 9 2007
11:33 am

Ok, we don't have one...But we could copy Knox County's paper.

At least the parts we like.

(Sorry, Mayor Farmer, but I just can't see allowing the County Mayor to appoint "the trustee, county clerk, register of deeds, property assessor and law director — all now elected positions.")

But reducing the number of county commisioners, and electing two or more at large, seems like a good idea to me.

If Knox County can get by with 11 Commissioners, why can't we get by with ten instead of the 15 we have now?

Surely not!

you surely haven't seen/heard Mike Farmer saying he'd like to appoint those people, have you. Mind you, he could do a better job than the electorate has with regard to the Circuit Court Clerk. I don't think you have any worry about the County Executive wanting to go there :-)


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